提供: 初心者エンジニアの簡易メモ
(ページの作成:「==twitterのusers/showについてのサンプルデータ== (screen_name=google) stdClass Object ( [id] => 20536157 [id_str] => 20536157 [name] => Google...」) |
2015年11月4日 (水) 02:02時点における版
stdClass Object ( [id] => 20536157 [id_str] => 20536157 [name] => Google [screen_name] => google [location] => Mountain View, CA [profile_location] => [description] => News and updates from Google [url] => http://t.co/twxHxOtTvy [entities] => stdClass Object ( [url] => stdClass Object ( [urls] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [url] => http://t.co/twxHxOtTvy [expanded_url] => http://www.google.com [display_url] => google.com [indices] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 22 )
[description] => stdClass Object ( [urls] => Array ( )
[protected] => [followers_count] => 12958010 [friends_count] => 439 [listed_count] => 91687 [created_at] => Tue Feb 10 19:14:39 +0000 2009 [favourites_count] => 407 [utc_offset] => -28800 [time_zone] => Pacific Time (US & Canada) [geo_enabled] => 1 [verified] => 1 [statuses_count] => 7746 [lang] => en [status] => stdClass Object ( [created_at] => Tue Nov 03 00:44:19 +0000 2015 [id] => 661343110413307905 [id_str] => 661343110413307905 [text] => @MarioMaster6441 You're welcome. Give us a shout if you have any questions in the future. [source] => <a href="http://www.conversocial.com" rel="nofollow">Conversocial</a> [truncated] => [in_reply_to_status_id] => 661334764800995328 [in_reply_to_status_id_str] => 661334764800995328 [in_reply_to_user_id] => 1966738692 [in_reply_to_user_id_str] => 1966738692 [in_reply_to_screen_name] => MarioMaster6441 [geo] => [coordinates] => [place] => [contributors] => [retweet_count] => 4 [favorite_count] => 4 [entities] => stdClass Object ( [hashtags] => Array ( )
[symbols] => Array ( )
[user_mentions] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [screen_name] => MarioMaster6441 [name] => Jason [id] => 1966738692 [id_str] => 1966738692 [indices] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 16 )
[urls] => Array ( )
[favorited] => [retweeted] => [lang] => en )
[contributors_enabled] => [is_translator] => [is_translation_enabled] => [profile_background_color] => FFFFFF [profile_background_image_url] => http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_background_images/378800000163714586/yY9JMq3S.png [profile_background_image_url_https] => https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_background_images/378800000163714586/yY9JMq3S.png [profile_background_tile] => 1 [profile_image_url] => http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/638751551457103872/KN-NzuRl_normal.png [profile_image_url_https] => https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/638751551457103872/KN-NzuRl_normal.png [profile_banner_url] => https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/20536157/1441222905 [profile_link_color] => 0000CC [profile_sidebar_border_color] => FFFFFF [profile_sidebar_fill_color] => EBEFF9 [profile_text_color] => 000000 [profile_use_background_image] => 1 [has_extended_profile] => [default_profile] => [default_profile_image] => [following] => 1 [follow_request_sent] => [notifications] => )