提供: 初心者エンジニアの簡易メモ
public class OpenScene : AbstractScene { void Start() { AdMobOpenManager.Instance.Init(); AdMobOpenManager.Instance.LoadAd(); } public void OnApplicationPause(bool paused) { // Display the app open ad when the app is foregrounded if (!paused) { AdMobOpenManager.Instance.ShowAdIfAvailable(); } } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using GoogleMobileAds.Api; public class AdMobOpenManager { private static AdMobOpenManager instance; AdRequest request; private AppOpenAd ad; private bool isShowingAd = false; private DateTime loadTime; public static AdMobOpenManager Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new AdMobOpenManager(); } return instance; } } private bool IsAdAvailable { get { return ad != null && (System.DateTime.UtcNow - loadTime).TotalHours < 4; } } public void Init() { request = new AdRequest.Builder() .Build(); } public void LoadAd() { if (IsAdAvailable) { return; } #if UNITY_ANDROID string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3419835294"; #elif UNITY_IPHONE string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5662855259"; #else string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform"; #endif AppOpenAd.Load(GetAdUnitId(), request, (appOpenAdd, loadAdError) => { if (loadAdError != null) { Debug.LogFormat("Failed to load the ad. (reason: {0})", loadAdError.GetMessage()); return; } ad = appOpenAdd; loadTime = DateTime.UtcNow; RegisterEventHandlers(appOpenAdd); ShowAdIfAvailable(); })); } private void RegisterEventHandlers(AppOpenAd ad) { // Raised when the ad is estimated to have earned money. ad.OnAdPaid += (AdValue adValue) => { Debug.Log(String.Format("Openad paid {0} {1}.", adValue.Value, adValue.CurrencyCode)); }; // Raised when an impression is recorded for an ad. ad.OnAdImpressionRecorded += () => { Debug.Log("Openad recorded an impression."); }; // Raised when a click is recorded for an ad. ad.OnAdClicked += () => { Debug.Log("Openad was clicked."); }; // Raised when an ad opened full screen content. ad.OnAdFullScreenContentOpened += () => { Debug.Log("Openad full screen content opened."); isShowingAd = true; }; // Raised when the ad closed full screen content. ad.OnAdFullScreenContentClosed += () => { Debug.Log("Openad full screen content closed."); }; // Raised when the ad failed to open full screen content. ad.OnAdFullScreenContentFailed += (AdError error) => { Debug.LogError("Openad failed to open full screen content " + "with error : " + error); }; } public void ShowAdIfAvailable() { if (!IsAdAvailable || isShowingAd) { return; } ad.Show(); } }
warning CS0618: 'AppOpenAd.Load(string, ScreenOrientation, AdRequest, Action<AppOpenAd, LoadAdError>)' is obsolete: 'Use Load(string, AdRequest, Action<AppOpenAd, LoadAdError>) instead.'
AppOpenAd.Load(GetAdUnitId(), request, (appOpenAdd, loadAdError) => { }));